Jonah's bar mitzvah was at the end of November. I didn't convert and can not really participate in the ceremony, but I want my sons to know this ceremony is important to me too. When we were in Israel a few years ago, I picked up tzitzis (special string) to tie on the corners of a tallit or prayer shawl.
A tallit can be plain and simple or colorful and lavish, whatever the wearer chooses. Jonah is an avid reader and when I saw the 'Book Club' quilt in The Modern Quilt Workshop, I knew it would be perfect. Over the summer I picked up some creamy silk and ordered fat quarters of silk taffeta from della Q. I forgot to purchase brown for the shelf and ended up tea dying and it worked out just fine. The blessing on the collar is hand painted blue and outlined in gold. The four corners have different designs, there is a Hawaiian quilt 'ulu', a Star of David, the kanji for 'peace' and a bald eagle. The tzitzis were knotted by Eric, reciting a traditional blessing with perhaps a few curses thrown at me for leaving it until the last moment.
It is good to have my sewing machine back. Last February I hand carried it to Honolulu for servicing. Although I was in Honolulu again in March and May my machine was not ready until the end of June : ( She is over 14 years old now, and sews beautifully again. Somethings are worth the wait. Somewhere out there, there is a box of cub scout themed fabric, hopefully making it's way to me. Waiting sucks, but I'm trying to put that time to good use. The fabric is for a quilt for Jake's cub scout den leader, a wonderful woman who has been patient, kind, generous and FUN for the last 5 years. It's a pretty simple panel quilt, but I'm worried about the quilting. Luckily I have a stash of fabric, so I've been planning and practicing. Still have to work some things out.